Hi! I'm Giulia

Body Image & Confidence expert, Healer, Teacher, Motivational speaker.

I see you. I feel you. I'm here because of you.

I grew up in an alcoholic home believing I wasn’t worthy and that had to be a more “perfect” version of myself in order to be “good enough” and worthy of love and attention. 

Even though I was a super achiever, nothing was ever good enough, I never celebrated or acknowledged anything I did because it could always be better. 

I lived in a prison of my own negative thoughts and constantly thought I had to “perfect” in every aspect of my life in order to be worthy of friends, relationships, the right job, you name it.

I believed having the perfect body was my key to happiness and success. I suffered from an eating disorder, constant dissatisfaction with my body, addictions to overexercising, binge eating and restricting, and even went as far as getting plastic surgery to chase the confidence and worthiness that I desired.


I experienced a sexual trauma in my young adult life, which created an even bigger block for me with intimacy and feeling safe, and worthy with men. This continued to make me feel that I had to change who I was in order to be loved. I always seemed to attract the wrong men and even when I was in relationships feared they would leave me for someone "better".

I spent thousands of dollars on diets, exercise programs, personal trainers, clothes, and beauty products and even surgery to try and achieve the appearance I thought I had to have. I was so scared that if men in to really "see me" I wouldn't be good enough so I tried to be "perfect" in all ways to avoid criticism judgment and rejection.

I pushed my body so hard that I endured a severe injury during my career as a fitness instructor which sent my body into adrenal failure, chronic insomnia, hormonal imbalances, weight gain, crippling anxiety and depression.

I’ve been in countless dysfunctional and unhealthy relationships that have been a mirror of my level of self worth after being single for 4 years I was convinced I would never find someone who would find me to be worthy.

Despite my countless achievements in my career and otherwise, I never felt good enough and was still haunted with low self-worth.

I spent more time overachieving and obsessing over perfection than I did actually letting go and enjoying my life and really celebrating the real me. 

I reached the point of being suicidal from the incessant anxiety of feeling inadequate and 


I realized that my drive to rebel against these patterns and belief systems was so strong that I knew I could overcome it all. 

I decided that I wasn’t going to spend another day suffering and was instead going to be a leader to help women across the world!  I was so sick and tired of this pandemic of suffering knowing that 91% of women are dissatisfied with their bodies and felt SO compelled to support a different statistic. 

I learned that the only way out wasn't to keep focusing on the outside but instead to heal the thought patterns that were keeping me stuck in this agonizing prison.  

It became SO clear to me that it wasn't just my body image that was suffering it was EVERY SINGLE AREA OF MY LIFE.

I tapped into my inner rebel, and now I'm going to show you how to do the same.

Help me find my inner rebel

All the confidence you'll ever need is inside you waiting to be unleashed.

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UNLOCK the confidence you've been waiting for!

PS: This goes WAY beyond your body!

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Are you ready to cut the cords of insecurity and say YES to confidence?